General Identificaton |
Name |
(name of the computer as known to the public) |
Modellnumber |
(Modelnumber as printed on the device) |
Serialnumber |
(Serialnumber as printed on the device) |
Class |
('regular', Laptop, Handheld, PDA, Pocket, Calculator, Game, ...) |
Manufaturer/Creator |
(company name - link to company page) |
developed/introducted |
(when was this type developen/first presentet) |
released |
(firt time public available) |
production end |
(time of last production) |
Units manufactured |
precessor |
sucessor |
Other family members |
Compatible to |
Level of Compatibility |
Hardwareinfo |
(CPU name, type link to CPU Page) |
(ROM size, organisation, types?) |
(RAM ty
BUS System |
(S100/AT/PC/APPLE/...) |
Ports |
(serial,paralell, IEEE448, ...) |
Graphics |
(modes, resolution, colours, ...) |
Sound |
(no, pip, ...) |
Expansions |
(Slots, Cartridges, etc. or Add on Disks if special) |
Softwareinfo |
Operating System(s) |
(build in y/n, Media?) |
Build-in Language |
(Type, Version) |
Build-in Software |
(Type, name, version) |
Dokuinfo |
Manual(s) |
Other Books |